7 NGO Jobs Working For Women’s Rights (And What You Need To Apply)

Around the world, hundreds of millions of women and girls are affected by humanitarian crises or living in poverty. Women are marginalized in many communities. When these communities are impacted by disasters, the rights of women and girls often further deteriorate. There are many NGOs that run programmes aiming to improve the lives of women and girls and assist them to fully access their rights. Here we breakdown some of the top jobs in the NGO sector working for women’s …

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12 NGO International Development Jobs (And What You Need To Apply)

Many people choose to work in the NGO sector because they want a career dedicated to alleviating poverty around the world. There are many NGOs dedicated to international development that run different projects aimed at lifting people out of destitution. The international development sector is huge, and so there are many types of jobs open to people with different professional backgrounds. Here we go over some of the top international development NGO jobs… Country Director A first international development job …

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8 NGO Project Management Jobs (And What You Need To Apply)

Project managers play a vital role in the NGO sector designing, setting-up and implementing programmes that assist people in need. There are a huge range of job for project managers in many NGOs. Here we breakdown some of the best positions for project managers to apply for in the NGO sector… Field Coordinator A commonly recruited project management role in the NGO sector is the position of Field Coordinator. The Field Coordinator is in charge of a base of operations, …

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7 NGO Jobs For Doctors (And What You Need To Apply)

Everyone who trains as a doctor does so, at least in part, because they want to help people in need. Many doctors see people affected by crises, conflicts or disasters, or living in poverty, and want to use put their training to use providing medical assistance. There are many NGOs that run health projects in crises and post-crises settings, as well as in communities living in destitution. As a result, there are a wide range of jobs in the NGO …

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7 NGO Accounting Jobs (And What You Need To Apply)

NGOs are large complex organisations working across multiple countries and regions. They also usually receive funding from many different sources. Therefore, NGOs need accountancy professionals throughout their organisations in order to ensure effective financial management. There are several roles that NGOs often hire accountants for. Here we break down some of the most frequently recruited… Finance Officer A first NGO job that accountants often take is the role of Finance Officer. NGO Finance Officers are responsible for the day-to-day financial …

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6 NGO Human Rights Jobs (And What You Need To Apply)

Human rights are a series of inalienable protections that all people around the world should enjoy, regardless of race, nationality, religious belief, gender or sexual orientation. Sadly, there are many parts of the world where human rights are not respected. There are many NGOs that make it their mission to promote human rights in the countries they work. Across the NGO sector, there are many jobs open to those interested in doing human rights work. Here we go over some …

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6 NGO Jobs For Lawyers (And What You Need To Apply)

Many lawyers want to use their training to do good, and to assist people in need. NGOs work around the world helping people affected by conflicts or disasters, or living in destitution. This means NGOs must operate in complex and changeable legal environments. It’s common for NGOs to recruit a range of positions that are ideal for qualified lawyers. Here’s we’ve included a few of the most common NGO legal roles… Legal Advisor A first job that NGOs often hire …

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8 NGO Jobs Helping Children (And What You Need To Apply)

Many people see disasters and conflicts around the world, and the impact they have on children, and really want to do something. Others see children living in poverty, or facing injustice, and also wish to help. There are a huge number of NGOs working with children and young people around the world, and many jobs in the NGO sector open to those qualified to work with young people. Here we’ve given some examples of the most common NGO jobs that …

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