Is The United Nations An NGO? We Explain

Most people around the world know of the United Nations. They also know its work trying to bring nations together to resolve global disputes and delivering humanitarian and development assistance. However, many people see the UN’s work and assume the organization is an NGO. But is it? Is the United Nations an NGO? And if not, why? The United Nations is not an NGO. This is because the UN is an international organisation made up of member states. It is …

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7 NGO Jobs Working For Women’s Rights (And What You Need To Apply)

Around the world, hundreds of millions of women and girls are affected by humanitarian crises or living in poverty. Women are marginalized in many communities. When these communities are impacted by disasters, the rights of women and girls often further deteriorate. There are many NGOs that run programmes aiming to improve the lives of women and girls and assist them to fully access their rights. Here we breakdown some of the top jobs in the NGO sector working for women’s …

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Is The United Nations A Business? We’ve Got The Answer

The United Nations is one of the most well known and most respected organizations in the world. The aim of the UN to work towards global peace and security by improving cooperation between nations.  The United Nations is not only world famous, but it is also one of the largest organizations in world. However, the UN is highly misunderstood. A common question that is asked is whether the United Nations is actually a business? Well, is it? We’ll explain… The …

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12 NGO International Development Jobs (And What You Need To Apply)

Many people choose to work in the NGO sector because they want a career dedicated to alleviating poverty around the world. There are many NGOs dedicated to international development that run different projects aimed at lifting people out of destitution. The international development sector is huge, and so there are many types of jobs open to people with different professional backgrounds. Here we go over some of the top international development NGO jobs… Country Director A first international development job …

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12 Degrees For International Development Work

Many people want to work in the international development sector. Not only do you get to build a career addressing the needs of people affected by conflicts, disasters or crises, or living in poverty, but often you get an exciting job that lets you travel the world. However, lots of people are confused about the requirements needed to work in global development, and what they should study. Here we break down many of the top degree choices if your aim …

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How Long To Hear Back From A UN Interview? We Tell You

…so you’ve just had an interview for a job with the United Nations. Congratulations on getting this far! UN jobs are highly competitive, even being short-listed for an interview is an achievement. The first question that is often going through people’s heads now is, how long until I hear if I got the job? The United Nations usually takes about two weeks to get back to candidates after an interview. However, there is no set rule within the UN, and …

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8 NGO Project Management Jobs (And What You Need To Apply)

Project managers play a vital role in the NGO sector designing, setting-up and implementing programmes that assist people in need. There are a huge range of job for project managers in many NGOs. Here we breakdown some of the best positions for project managers to apply for in the NGO sector… Field Coordinator A commonly recruited project management role in the NGO sector is the position of Field Coordinator. The Field Coordinator is in charge of a base of operations, …

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Is The United Nations A Non-Profit? We Explain

The United Nations is made up of 193 member states. The objective of the UN is to improve global security through international cooperation and to work to improve the lives of people around the world. The UN responds to many humanitarian crises and does huge amounts of poverty alleviation work globally. So, does that mean the United Nations is actually a non-profit? Well, not quite, let us explain… Technically, the United Nations is a non-profit because it does not use …

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