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Refugee and Migration Courses

There are currently around 26 million refugees in the world. With conflicts displacing more people than ever before, combined with global economic equality, migrants and refugees are fast becoming global issue. Taking a course on refugees and migration provides knowledge of route causes of the current refugee crises, combining this with practical advice on working with refugees and improving refugee policies and laws to better assist those displaced by war and poverty.

International Migrations: A Global Issue – Sciences Po

Flexible Deadlines

Shareable Certificate

Start Instantly and Learn at Your Own Schedule

Intermediate Level

Approx. 8 Hours to Complete

Based in Paris, Sciences Po is one of the leading French universities teaching the social sciences. Their online course, International Migrations: A Global Issue, covers how movements of people worldwide impact governments and decision makers, and how this migration is often poorly understood, resulting in policy mis-decisions. The course aims to improve participants knowledge of current migration causes and trends as well as discussing what the future of migration looks like. The course covers specific topics such as the globalization of migration, refugees and environmentally displaced persons and Europe’s response to migration. It also goes into detail on France and international migration flows, citizenship and migration, borders and the right to mobility and global governance.

The online course on International Migration as a Global Issue uses videos, documents, maps, news articles and scientific papers to cover the topics.  The course takes approximately 28 hours to complete and most students take 9 weeks to finish. The course is aimed as an introduction so no prior knowledge of migration or refugee issues is needed. The course can also be taken as a refresher for those already working in refugee policy or the aid industry. Upon completion of the course students receive a sharable certificate of their new qualification. The course is in English but has subtitles in French, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian and Spanish.

Refugees in the 21st Century – University of London

Flexible Deadlines

Shareable Certificate

Start Instantly and Learn at Your Own Schedule

Beginner Level

Approx. 28 Hours to Complete

The online short courses below cover a range of important issues facing refugees and migrants and provide practical knowledge for those wishing to get a better understanding or begin a career working with displaced people. From some of the largest organisations working with refugees and migrants, as well as from some of the top teaching and research institutions, these courses provide valuable qualifications for those wanting to work in international humanitarian aid or wanting to better assist refugees in their own communities.

This online course explores the routes of the current refugee and migration crises and combines it with the current global trends of the 21st Century. Taking a worldwide view, the course explains who refugees are, what constitutes a refugee, the contexts in which many refugees occur as well as giving a background history. The course explores in detail the differences between refugees and migrants. Students also learn the current system of refugee protection, as well as explore the challenges faced by the current international refugee legal system. Participants are encouraged to investigate solutions to refugee issues and work collaboratively, allowing them to have online peer engagement.

This course acts as an introduction to refugees in the 21st Century and is ideal for anyone wishing to gain a better understanding of the current refugee and migrant crises. Taken entirely online, the course takes approximately 28 hours to complete. Participants study at their own pace. Upon completion, students receive a sharable certificate that accredits them their new qualification. The course is made up of six modules and most students complete one a week over six weeks. The course mixes videos, lectures and activities as well as providing links to additional resources. The course is taught in English and subtitles are available.

Asylum and Refugee Law – UCLouvain

Self-Directed Study

Certificate Upon Completion

Start Instantly

Intermediate Level

18 Weeks – 6 to 8 Hours Per Week to Complete

This course takes a legal approach to refugees and asylum, combining theoretical assessments and practical scenarios to give students a broad understanding.  The course specifically targets the large legal questions surrounding national and international refugee and alyssum law, including whether migrants can be returned to their home countries, what constitutes asylum and the principles of non-refoulement, as well as if refugee status can be challenged. Students also learn to develop strong legal reasoning in support of refugees and propose international asylum and protection. The course covers an analyses of case law decisions of international, regional and national courts and tribunals relating to asylum and refugee law and allows students to criticize or justify the reasoning of an asylum authority and its decision. Finally, the course encourages students to envision a better future for asylum policy.

The Asylum and Refugee Law course is 14 weeks with participants studying between 6 and 8 hours a week. The course is self-directed and participants can study in their own time. With it’s specific focus on refugee and asylum law, the course is aimed at people with some legal knowledge who wish to gain a better understanding of the legal issues around refugee rights and migration. After finishing the course students can receive a certificate for a small fee. The course is in English but can have French subtitles.

Europe Without Borders? – University of Hong Kong

Self-Directed Study

Certificate Upon Completion

Start Instantly

Intermediate Level

4 Weeks – 2 to 3 Hours Per Week to Complete

In recent years, Europe’s borders have been challenged by the refugee crises, Covid-19 and Brexit. This online course from the University of Hong Kong explores how foundational concepts and historical events have shaped Europe and its borders, as well as explaining the role of national sovereignty and the European Union. Students explore the current divides within Europe, including the north-south economic divide and cultural divide between the West and former communist countries. Specific course modules cover Europe at a crossroads regarding the role of borders as well as the European Union and the nation-state. There are also modules on ‘a union under strain: The Eurozone and refugee crises’ and ‘post-1989 Europe and the end of history’.

The University of Hong Kong course on Europe Without Borders is a 4-week online course. Participants usually study between 2-3 hours a week. The course is self-directed allowing participants to complete it in their own time.  Upon completion of the course a certificate can be purchased for a small fee. The course is designated at intermediate level so some background knowledge is advisable, but no formal qualifications are needed before completing the course. The course is in English.

Interpreting for Refugees: Contexts, Practices and Ethics – University of Glasgow

Flexible Deadlines

Shareable Certificate

Start Instantly and Learn at Your Own Schedule

Beginner Level

Approx3 Weeks – 4 Hours Per Week to Complete

The University of Glasgow offers an online course in cultural mediation and interpretation specifically aimed at working with refugees. The course teaches the knowledge needed to apply interoperation skills to the unique situations of refugees.  The course covers the role of interrupter when working with refugees, as well as how to ensure cultural sensitives are acknowledged. Students also learn the ethics of language interpretation with refugees as well as explore the different work contexts of interrupting for refugees and how to reduce second hand trauma. Specific course outcomes include understanding best practice in interpreting in humanitarian contexts and being able to apply and contextualise practices and tools in interpreting for refugees.

The Interpreting for Refugees: Contexts, Practices and Ethics course by the University of Glasgow is an online course that takes about three weeks to complete. Participants study around 4 hours a week and can complete the course in their own time. The interactive course is mainly aimed at those already working in humanitarian interpreting roles, but can be taken by those interested in a career in cultural mediation with refugees. Anyone working directly with refugees or those affected by conflict and disaster would benefit from this course as well. Students can receive a certificate once they complete the course for a small fee.

Working Supportively with Refugees: Principles, Skills and Perspectives – University of Glasgow

Flexible Deadlines

Shareable Certificate

Start Instantly and Learn at Your Own Schedule

Beginner Level

Approx3 Weeks – 4 Hours Per Week to Complete

The University of Glasgow offers an online course on how to work supportively with refugees. Providing practical guidance, skills and viewpoints, the course covers multiple disciplines and approaches for assisting refugees directly. The course combines practical advice on psychology, cultural mediation, well-being, working with diverse groups and conflict management. The aim of the course is to improve ways refugees can be integrated into their host countries and provide foundational principles for people working to do so. By the end of the course, students will cover topics such as the legal, social and cultural ways refugees are integrated into different European countries, assess social integration and how cultural mediators are assisting refugees they work with as well as explore the skills needed to work with refugees

The online course by the University of Glasgow on Working Supportively with Refugees takes around three weeks to complete with students usually completing 4 hours of study a week. Study is self-directed and the course can be completed in the students’ own time. The course is aimed at people working directly with refugees, either as volunteers, humanitarian workers, researchers, students or as refugees themselves. No prior knowledge or previous qualifications are needed to make the most of this course.

Caring for Children Moving Alone: Protecting Unaccompanied and Separated Children – University of Stathclyde Glasgow

Flexible Deadlines

Shareable Certificate

Start Instantly and Learn at Your Own Schedule

Beginner Level

Approx6 Weeks – 4 Hours Per Week to Complete

Children displaced by disasters and conflicts can often be separated from their parents or guardians. Children can also migrate as refugees without their families. This online course specifically focusses on working with unaccompanied children and provides insights and knowledge on how best to work to protect vulnerable children. The course covers the risk children migrating alone face, as well as what policies, practices and support services can be in place to assist them. Students will learn why unaccompanied children move, gain an understanding of the appropriate care options available and explore examples of how protection has been offered around the world. Course participants will also learn how to assess needs and vulnerabilities of children migrating alone and how to coordinate with different actors and organisations to improve humanitarian responses for unaccompanied children.

The University of Strathclyde Glasgow’s online course in Cary for Children Moving Alone takes around 4 weeks to complete. Participants usually study around 4 hours a week. It is self-directed so students can complete the course in their own time. The course is intended for frontline professionals or volunteers working directly with refugees and children. The course is also aimed at those working in policy development, government or international organisations supporting refugees and migrants. The course can also be taken by students of refugee and migration studies or recent graduates looking to work in humanitarian aid or NGOs with refugees or children.