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NGO Marketing Courses

Marketing is key to any NGOs success. Effective marketing allows an NGO to spread their message and build public support for their cause. This in turn helps bring in donations to support the NGOs work.

Marketing in the non-profit sector requires a wide range of skills that are specific to the industry. Taking an online course in NGO marketing is one of the best ways to get an overview of how marketing in the non-profit sector can be used effectively. It can also be a great way to learn new skills that can help your NGO or allow you to get a job in an NGOs marketing team.

Fundraising and Marketing for Non-Profit Organisations

3 Hours to Complete

Lifetime Access

Beginner Level

Certificate of Completion

Access on Computer or Mobile Phone

The Fundraising and Marketing for Non-Profit Organisations online course is ideal for those wanting to gain an understanding of how both fundraising and marketing combine to make a NGO successful. Covering both disciplines, this online course teaches students the key elements of marketing and fundraising campaigns, as well as how to grow an NGO through effective external communication.

This online course provides a broad overview of the most vital elements of effective NGO marketing. It aims to inspire NGO staff and help them become more confident in the areas of fundraising and marketing. It is ideal for anyone working within an NGO, or those wanting to gain a better understanding of how non-profit marketing should work.

The course is taken entirely online and includes three on-demand videos and a range of downloadable resources. Students receive life-time access to the course after making a one-off payment. The course is self-directed, and students complete it in their own time. The course takes around two hours to finish, and students receive a certificate upon completing the course.

Email Marketing for Charities and Non-Profits

2 Hours to Complete

Lifetime Access

Beginner Level

Certificate of Completion

Access on Computer or Mobile Phone

Email marketing is a key aspect of any NGOs marketing strategy. This online course teaches students how to raise the profile of an NGO using email marketing. Students learn how to begin an email campaign, why email is effective for fundraising, event organisation and public engagement, and how to choose the right email platform for an NGO.

This course is ideal for those working in NGOs who want a better understanding of email marketing. It covers how to build an email list, growing an engaging email subscriber base and how to know which laws and regulations regarding data protection must be followed.

Students on the Email Marketing for Charities and Non-Profits online course study through videos and downloadable resources. The course takes around two and half hours to complete. Students complete the course at their own pace and receive a certificate when they finish it.

Public Relations for Non-Profits

2.5 Hours to Complete

Lifetime Access

Beginner Level

Certificate of Completion

Access on Computer or Mobile Phone

This online course is ideal for those wanting to learn more about how strong public relations can support their NGO. The course takes students through the steps needed to complete a toolkit that can serve their NGOs public relations needs. It has a specific focus on relations with the media – vital for almost any NGO worker.

Students on the Public Relations for Non-Profits online course will create building block public relations statements that their NGO can tailor to specific needs. These tools can then be used to on website, in funding proposals, in newsletters and in external marketing. The course also teaches students how to improve the public relations image of their NGO and ensure positive relation with public bodies.

The Public Relations for Non-Profits online course takes around three hours to complete. It is self-directed so students can complete the course in their own time. Upon purchasing the course, students receive life-time access so can return to it at any time they need. Upon completion of the course students receive a certificate attesting their new qualification.

How To Kickstart Your NGO

30 Minutes to Complete

Lifetime Access

Beginner Level

Certificate of Completion

Access on Computer or Mobile Phone

How To Kickstart Your NGO is an online course aimed at those wanting to better promote their non-profit. It shows students how to develop their NGOs mission statements and visions, as well as how to brand an NGO, build a network of partners and the basics on fundraising. How To Kickstart Your NGO is an ideal course for those wanting a broad overview of launching an NGO.

This online course introduces students to key techniques to increase their NGOs visibility as well as how to effectively market their NGO. It includes an overview of digital tools that NGO workers can use to build public support for their cause. As well as being ideal for those looking to establish an NGO, this course is also aimed at those working for non-profits who want to gain an understanding of how to better promote it.

The How To Kickstart Your NGO online course takes around two hours to complete. Students study independently and can complete the course at their own pace. The course ends with a practice test. Upon passing this, students receive a downloadable certificate.