Effective project management is key to delivering humanitarian aid. Professionals within the aid sector need to know the cycles projects move through, as well as how to design, implement and monitor projects whilst working in difficult environments.
There are a range of online courses available that focus on humanitarian project management. These courses aim to provide an overview of the tools, methodologies, resources, and strategies used in successful humanitarian projects.
The Logical Framework Approach
40 Minutes to Complete
Lifetime Access
Beginner Level
Certificate of Completion
Access on Computer or Mobile Phone
This course aims to give students a broad overview of the Logical Framework Approach. The Log Frame is the main tool used to design humanitarian projects. Almost all donors require a Log Frame to be submitted when proposing a project and most humanitarian professionals are required to understand the Logical Framework Approach.
Students on this online course will go over the Log Frame, how it works and the steps that should be taken in creating one. The course aims to reduce the confusion many people have with the Logical Framework by breaking the process down into easy-to-understand steps. This course also aims to show how the Logical Framework is key to designing, and running, successful humanitarian interventions.
This online course on the Logical Framework Approach is aimed at humanitarian professionals and those wishing to enter the aid sector. The course is made up of six video lectures and takes around one hour to complete. Upon completion of the course students receive an online certificate.
Enhancing Development Effectiveness and Poverty Alleviation
11 Hours to Complete
Lifetime Access
Beginner Level
Certificate of Completion
Access on Computer or Mobile Phone
Enhancing Development Effectiveness and Poverty Alleviation is an online course taking students through the key steps of humanitarian project management. The course focuses on the priorities, problems and solutions that occur throughout an international development project. The course aims to equip students with the tools needed to effectively run development and poverty alleviation projects.
This online course covers a range of areas related to international development project management. These include solutions to many of the problems humanitarian project managers face. The course also teaches students practical lessons in how to apply solutions and how to ensure the effectiveness of a humanitarian interventions.
Students can complete this online course in around 11 hours. The course is delivered through a mixture of online videos and downloadable resources. This course is ideal for those already working in the international development sector or students and recent graduates looking to begin their career in humanitarian aid. The course can be accessed on a computer or mobile phone. Upon completion of the course students receive a certificate.
Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework Approach
2 Hours to Complete
Lifetime Access
Beginner Level
Certificate of Completion
Access on Computer or Mobile Phone
Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework Approach is an online course that aims to introduce students to how to properly develop humanitarian project proposals. The course takes students through the Logical Framework Approach – the standard tool used in humanitarian project design. Students on the course learn how this tool is a key requirement for many donors in the aid sector and how to develop a Log Frame to a high standard.
As well as introducing students to the Logical Framework, this course provides a broad overview of the of Project Cycle Management methodologies used in the aid sector. Students will learn the main phases of project management as well as go over tools and resources needed to run an aid project effectively. Crucially, the course links Project Cycle Management to the Logical Framework Approach and demonstrates how these should be integrated.
This online course is aimed at those working in the aid sector who need to design projects and wish to get a better understanding or project management and the Logical Framework. The course is also suitable for those wanting to enter the aid sector. Students can access this course on a computer or mobile phone. The course takes around two hours to complete. Students receive a certificate when they finish the course.
The Logical Framework Approach in Project Management
1.5 Hours to Complete
Lifetime Access
Beginner Level
Certificate of Completion
Access on Computer or Mobile Phone
This online course covers both the Logical Framework Approach and project management in the humanitarian and development sector. The course provides a detailed overview of the Log Frame, including its uses and how to design one, as well as why it is important. Students on the course will also learn how the Logical Framework should be used in project development and monitoring.
Students on the Logical Framework Approach in Project Management online course are taken though each step of the Log Frame. The course aims to de-mystify the Log Frame and equip students with easy-to-use techniques to develop a quality Logical Framework. This course aims to teach students techniques that can allow them to successfully use the Logical Framework Approach in development project design.
The Logical Framework Approach in Project Management online course can be taken by beginners with little knowledge of humanitarian project design. It can also be taken by professionals in the sector as a refresher. The course takes around one and a half hours to complete. After an initial purchase, students receive lifetime access to the course. The course can be taken on a computer or mobile phone. Students who finish the course receive an online certificate.
International Organizations Management – Universite de Geneve
Flexible Deadlines
Shareable Certificate
Start Instantly and Learn at Your Own Schedule
Beginner Level
Approx. 18 Hours to Complete
The International Organisation Management online course by the University of Geneva provides students with an introduction to how major international bodies, including the United Nations, are ran. The course aims to show students the inner workings of major international organisations. It also highlights the challenges these organisations face in their operations and provides tools for overcoming these.
Students on the International Organisation Management online course will receive an introductory overview of the management systems within international organisations. They will also look into the current global contexts in which these organisations work, as well as look specifically at the leadership systems within the United Nations.
This course is ideal for anyone looking to join the UN. It is also aimed at those already working within international organisations who wish to better understand how they operate. The course learning is flexible, and students complete the course at their own pace – it takes approximately 18 hours to complete and its recommended to be done over four weeks. Upon completing the course, students receive a certificate.
Project Cycle Management: Imarah Consultancy
Approx. 12 Weeks to Complete
For Beginners and More Experienced Professionals Who Want to Develop Their Skills
Online Live Training Sessions, Group Work, Assignments and Mentoring
Certificate of Completion
Imarah Consultancy supports the development of practical skills for individual professionals and organisations in the humanitarian and development sector.
The 12-weeks Project Cycle Management online course provides a framework for “Result Based Management” with the aim to develop practical skills in project cycle management. The training will start with an individual learning needs assessment, to identify capacities and learning needs. In the virtual classroom the focus is on developing skills and competencies, through discussions, assignments, and reflecting on individual experience. Between the sessions the participants work on assignments in the online learning management system and will be provided with feedback. The students own practical working environment is used to work through the steps of the project cycle and finally develop a full project proposal, while supported with guidance and individual mentor sessions.
The course includes 48 hours (12 times 4 hours) online face-to-face learning, 2 to 5 hours self-study and assignments per week, and during the course 3 to 5 hours individual mentor sessions. Upon completion of the final assignment graded with a pass, participants receive a certificate of successful completion.
Project Cycle Management (E-Learning): Bioforce
Bioforce is one of the leading training providers in the humanitarian sector. Their online short course in Project Cycle Management teaches students to design effective aid projects. It aims to provide students with a methodological framework for humanitarian projects. Students also learn the essential tools needed to deliver aid in the field.
Students on the Bioforce Project Cycle Management e-learning course study through a mixture of individual learning or group sessions. They also can receive support from a tutor and can complete the course at their own pace. The course is designed to be playful and interactive, including quizzes, games and with online lectures and other materials.
The Bioforce Project Cycle Management e-learning course is aimed at those already working in the humanitarian sector who wish to gain a better understanding of project management and forward their career. It is also ideal for those wanting to get a job as a humanitarian aid worker and gain the basics of aid project management. The Bioforce Project Cycle Management e-learning course is 35 hours in total, and participants have one month to complete it.
Project DPro: Project Management for Development Professionals
Self-Directed Study
Shareable Certificate
Start Instantly and Learn at Your Own Schedule
Beginner Level
Approx. 7 Hours to Complete
PMD Pro is the humanitarian and development sectors most recognisable project management certificate. This online course provides students with a broad overview of the PMD Pro methodology. This course aims for students to be able to better run humanitarian projects and to equip them with the basic tools they need.
This online course teaches students how to optimise their humanitarian projects so as to best deliver assistance to people in need. Students on the course learn the standardised project management system designed for the development sector. The course covers Project Cycle Management as well as project design and implementation. Students also learn key techniques in project stakeholder management.
The PMD Pro: Project Management for Development Professionals’ online course is offered by the Humanitarian Leadership Academy. It takes around seven hours to complete. Students self-direct learning and complete the course at their own pace. Students receive a certificate upon finishing the course.