London is one of the top cities globally for international development NGO’s. Some of the largest international development NGO’s in the world have headquarters in London, making the city a leading centre for the humanitarian and development industries. As well as world-famous international development NGOs, London also hosts many smaller and medium sized humanitarian and development NGOs, making it a global hub for international development.
Save the Children
Save the Children is one of the leading international development NGOs in London. Headquartered in the Farringdon area of the city, Save the Children is also one of the oldest international development NGOs – founded in 1919. With programmes in nearly 100 countries, Save the Children focuses on humanitarian and development programmes for children affected by crises, poverty and conflict.
One of the largest international development NGOs in London, Save the Children runs humanitarian programmes across the world including in child health, nutrition and protection. Save the Children is also one the leading international development NGOs campaigning for children’s rights worldwide. Covering a huge range of humanitarian and developed interventions, Save the Children is one of the top international development NGOs based in London.
International Rescue Committee
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds worldwide to humanitarian crises and focuses on assisting refugees and displaced people. With an office of operations in London, IRC works in some of the world’s worst humanitarian crises such as Yemen, Libya and Iraq. As one of London’s top international development NGOs, IRC runs programmes including in protection and education for women and girls affected by crises and conflicts.
With an office in the Barbican area of London, IRC runs programmes in over 40 countries. IRC also focuses on health, community empowerment, cash relief and economic development. IRC is one of the world’s largest and most important international development NGOs with offices in London. IRC runs humanitarian and development programmes in Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East from their London base.
British Red Cross
The British Red Cross is one of the most important international development NGOs in London. Part of the global Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, the British Red Cross have their offices in Moorgate, London, and run international development projects worldwide. With front-line international development programmes in countries such as Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Syria and Yemen, the British Red Cross is one of the London’s largest NGOs.
The British Red Cross is one of the oldest international development NGOs in London – founded in 1970. Alongside running front-line emergency projects, the British Red Cross runs international development programmes in countries such as Kenya, Nepal, Myanmar and Bangladesh. The British Red Cross works in close collaboration on development projects with local Red Cross and Red Crescent chapters from their office in London.
Plan International
Plan International is an international development NGO focusing on women and children affected by poverty and humanitarian crises and is headquartered in London. They work in countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America, Plan International also run campaigns for women and girls’ rights from their office in London. Plan International is one of the leading international development NGOs based in London focusing on women and girls’ programming.
Founded in 1937, Plan International have their current office in the Old Street area of London. Originally focusing on international child adoption, Plan International now runs a wide range of international development programmes around the world. Plan International is also one of the top international development NGOs in London focusing on the protection and education women and girls affected by conflict, disaster and poverty.
WaterAid are an international development NGO in London running programmes providing clean water and sanitation to communities worldwide. WaterAid’s international development projects across Africa and the America’s work to ensure vulnerable communities have drinking water, toilets and hygiene. WaterAid as an NGO also run climate change campaigns and community events focusing on their cause.
With headquarters near to Oval, London, WaterAid is the leading international development NGO in London focused on water and sanitation. Founded in 1981, WaterAid is also one of the top international development NGOs in London working on hygiene and sanitation programmes, as well as ensuring vital clean drinking water is available to communities that desperately need it.
Christian Aid
Christian aid is the leading Christian international development NGO based in London. Running humanitarian and development programmes in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, Christian Aid work in over 28 countries. With their headquarters near to Waterloo Station in London, Christian Aid implement international development projects focusing on emergency response, community development, climate activism and agriculture development.
As one of the top faith-based international development NGOs in London, Christian Aid run programmes on gender inclusion and peace building, as well as sustainable and environmental development projects. Christian Aid have international development projects in countries including Afghanistan, Myanmar, Bangladesh and El Salvador. Working in international development for over 70 years, Christian Aid is one of the top NGO’s based in London.
ActionAid is an international development, humanitarian and campaigning NGO based in London. Focusing on women and girls, ActionAid run development programmes focusing on protection, as well as female hygiene and empowerment. ActionAid also run international development projects through child sponsorships. ActionAid combines both international development work and advocacy and are seen as one of the top campaigning NGOs based in London.
ActionAid’s head office is in the Farringdon area of London. ActionAid’s international development work covers three main areas to assist vulnerable women and girls worldwide: 1) protecting and campaigning on violence against women and girls, 2) women economic empowerment, and 3) assisting women and girls affected by humanitarian crises. ActionAid is one of the leading NGO’s based in London focusing on women and girls through international development projects.
Doctors of the World
Doctors of the World is a health international development NGO with their UK headquarters in London. Combining humanitarian health interventions with campaigning for improved access to healthcare for excluded communities worldwide, Doctors of the World is one of the leading international development NGO’s based in London. With humanitarian and development projects across Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Europe, Doctors of the World runs international development programmes in crises, as well as low- and -middle income countries.
With their UK head office in Canary Wharf, London, Doctors of the World is part of the wider Médecins du Monde NGO network. With international development projects that include work on harm reduction, HIV and sexual and reproductive health, Doctors of the World is also one of the top medical NGO’s based in London. Working in over 40 countries, Doctors of the World runs international development programmes focused on both physical and mental health for people affected by disasters, conflicts and displacements.
UNICEF is the leading United Nations agency running international development projects for children. With an office in London, UNICEF works on project worldwide focusing on child rights, nutrition and education. UNICEF also have international development projects to assist women and girls who have been affected by disasters, conflicts or poverty. The UNICEF London office is located in the Farringdon district of the city.
UNICEF has international development projects in 192 countries worldwide. As the main United Nations organisations tasked with assisting children affected by humanitarian crises, as well as working on international development projects to improve the lives of children in low- and middle-income countries. As a key United Nations agency, UNICEF is one of the most important international development organisations based in London.
Action Against Hunger
Action Against Hunger is one of London’s top NGOs working on international development projects focused on nutrition and health. Part of the Action Contre la Faim (ACF) NGO network, Action Against Hunger also runs international development projects on women’s empowerment, mental health and climate change. Action Against Hunger have their UK office in Greenwich, London, and are one of the top international development NGO’s in based in the city.
As one of the leading NGO’s working in hunger, nutrition and health, Action Against Hunger have international development projects across Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Europe. Action Against Hunger is also known for its international development work in conflict zones such as Afghanistan, Yemen and Iraq. Action Against Hunger is one of the most well-known international development NGO’s in London.
CARE International
CARE International are an American international development NGO with a UK head-office in London. CARE International’s work focuses on fighting poverty and responding to humanitarian crises worldwide. With international development projects across 104 countries, CARE International is one of the largest international development NGO’s in London. CARE International has development and humanitarian projects in countries including South Sudan, Yemen, Iraq and Myanmar.
CARE International’s London office is in Vauxhall. Managing international development projects focused on fighting hunger, improving health and developing community resilience, CARE International is one of the leading NGO’s worldwide with an office in London. CARE International runs international development projects in both humanitarian disasters and conflicts, as well as longer-term development work.
Doctors Without Borders
Doctors Without Borders, also known as Médecins Sans Frontier (MSF) is a French international development NGO with a UK head office in London. Doctors Without Borders is one of the most famous NGOs in the world, renowned for their front-line medical response and long-term international development working improving healthcare globally. Doctors Without Borders are known for their emergency response work, including in countries such as Iraq, South Sudan and Syria.
With their UK office in near to Chancery Lane tube station in London, Doctors Without Borders is one of the most well-known NGO’s in the world. With humanitarian and interventional development projects in more than 62 countries, Doctors Without Borders are also known for their advocacy and campaigning for healthcare for people affected by conflicts and disasters. Doctors Without Borders are also famous for their independence as an NGO.
Relief International
Relief International are an American NGO with a UK head-quarters in London. Relief International work firstly in humanitarian crises and then run longer-term international development projects to help communities recover from disasters and conflicts. With international development projects across Africa, Asia and the Middle East, Relief International are one of the leading NGO’s based in London focusing on fragile contexts and community development.
Relief International operates international development projects in over 16 countries, including many current and post-conflict zones. With innovative international development projects focusing on health, livelihoods, water and sanitation and education, Relief International is one of the leading humanitarians and developed NGOs based in London. Relief International run international development projects in countries such as Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Syria and South Sudan.
CAFOD, standing for Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, is the main Catholic international development NGO. There HQ is in London. As an NGO, CAFOD run international development programmes in assisting people in poverty and affected by natural disasters and conflicts. Helping people of any religion, CAFOD work through a network of church organisations to implement their international development projects. The CAFOD main office in is in the Waterloo area of London.
CAFOD is the main NGO of the Catholic church in England and Wales. They run international development projects in over 30 countries with programmes across Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. As one of London’s leading religious NGOs, CAFOD specialises in international development projects responding to conflicts, disasters and climate change. CAFOD also run advocacy campaigns through their church networks as well as emergency international development projects in countries such as Afghanistan, Yemen and Iraq.